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Sat 25th – Wed 29th April, 2020

Arrive: 11am, Sat 25th April

Depart: Middday, Wed 29th April




$395.00 per person full time

Full time stay = 4 nights





Sydney Artists Retreat is located in the Blue Mountains in NSW, in Blackheath. We have 3 lovely large mountain houses secured for accommodation. A range of sleeping options are available. Please see registration form for more information.


There will be plenty of room for you to set up a workspace that doesn’t have to be pulled down after each creative session. We have dedicated rooms in the houses as well as the use of local halls and community spaces.


Families and Children:


This is a child/family friendly retreat. Please don’t think that by having young children you are excluded from coming along. We want you to attend as much as you want to come, and so we will do our best to accommodate you and your family.

  • Please contact us regarding any costs for your children. Please consider whether your child will require a bed, and food prepared by the retreat caterers

  • Parents, you are welcome to bring your own port-a-cot

  • If you are 12 – 18 and want to attend as an artist you need to be accompanied by your parent or legal guardian and will be charged according to the adult rate. (Sydney Artists Retreat are not able to accept responsibility of your care).

  • Please register early if you plan to come with a family, to enable us more time to make the best possible arrangements for you and your family.

Food / Meals Information


Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner are provided for each full day, with Morning Tea, Afternoon Tea, and Supper provisions made available during the day. Food is prepared by our team caterer/cook, in the very well equipped kitchen at our accommodation, with the opportunity for retreaters to help out/contribute where needed. We cater for all dietary needs, and welcome special requests.


Please contact us at with any further enquiries.



TRAIN: In most cases, you can make your way to Central Station and hop on a train on the Blue Mountains Line. More info here

CAR: Takes about 2 hours to drive from Sydney to Blackheath. More info here

GET A LIFT? GOT ROOM?: If you need a lift, or have space in your car and can provide a lift for someone, please let us know on your registration form. We will do our best to match you up with the right people.


Why come?


Do you desire to be more creative and spend more time working on your art?

Is finding a dedicated time and space to practice your art an almost impossible task?

Feel isolated or lost in the Christian community as an artist?

Do you long for community with other artists who share your Christian faith?


It is our hope that Sydney Artists Retreat will be a place where your passion and gifts in the arts will be fostered and where you will be connected with other Christian artists from all over the greater Sydney region. We hope that the weekend will be a place that will also encourage you not just in your art practice, but also in your Christian faith. We believe the health of your faith should strengthen the health of your art.

Over the weekend you will have lots of space and time for creative art practice, in the idyllic setting of Blackheath in the Blue Mountains. We aim to provide over 20 hours for you to research, commence, workshop, develop, work on, get feedback on, and practice your art.

We invite you to come away with us and other artists to spend time doing your art, whether you are a dancer, graphic designer, musician, visual artist, writer, poet, quilter, singer, printer, actor, bag-piper, songwriter, or just got a creative spirit that wants to have time to create.

There are morning gatherings and time spent in creative worship. Stories will be shared. Collaboration is possible between yourself and other artists on the retreat.

Accommodation Information


We are always happy to hear about preferred sleeping arrangements, though with most accommodation provided being shared, there are very limited private spaces. However, if you have any special needs, please let us know when you register.


As there are multiple 'double' rooms, please let us know if you are coming as a couple, or possibly comfortable sharing a double bed with a friend. This helps save up single beds, and allows us to acoommodate more people at retreat.


More information about accommodation and facilities will be forwarded to you upon your registration.

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