Annandale Creative Arts Centre is an initiative of Newtown Mission. This heritage building is located in the vibrant hub of Annandale village life. ACAC provides spaces for artists in residence, classes, workshops, performances, exhibitions and more. We have a particular interest in the role of the arts in engaging in conversation around significant issues facing our world.
Each week a number of arts businesses offer classes in music, dance, aerial, contact improvisation and more.
2024 a number of these regular events are on hiatus - Johnston Street Jazz continues. Please watch socials for more infor
ACAC also hosts regular gatherings for people to journey together in their creativity. These are free and open for anyone to join at any time. They include:
Labriynth - Easter weekend, come walk a labyrinth set up in the chapel, time to slow down and engage with a walking meditation if you'd like
Make Art - events providing space for people to share original art or works in progress
The Artists Way Groups - a course in recovering your creativity
breath - gathering in the ways of Christ. Every Sunday at 4pm excluding the first Sunday of the month. Each gathering explores a different spiritual practice, following a monthly rhythm
Throughout the year ACAC hosts events that showcase work created by independent artists of different disciplines. These include:
Johnston Street Jazz - a weekly artist-run not-for-profit jazz and improv club; presenting high-quality music performances
Creative Conversations - showing new work by visual and performing artists around such themes as asylum seekers and climate change. Artists are invited to apply and contribute work and are granted a space residency to create the work. Artists are joined by speakers who are experts in those fields
Arts practitioners are invited to join our creative community and hire space for their creative practice. The Chapel, Dance Studio and Art Studio are available for hire as a one-off or on an ongoing basis. Artists may apply to become ACAC Collective members and receive significant discounts on hire rates with participation in the life of our creative community. For all hire inquiries, you can fill out a form here. We are currently taking space requests 4 times a year, with space granted each term.
For more information, you can email
Or call the Newtown Mission office on 9519 9000
For the latest updates check out our facebook page.